iRisk fills the gap between terrain response and your support team.
Incidents Management Types & Features
•Incident localization, with / without GPS
•First Aid Status: ABCDE, Sample, OPQRST
•Stable/Unstable classification•Incident prioritization
•Assigned responders
•Assigned equipment
•Type of warning (Dangerous behaviour, out of bounf skiing etc)
•Customer's Name and pass number tracking
•Notes and witnesses
•Assigned responder
Person lost (kids)
•Name of the person, last seen, where by•Person's description
•Automated push to all team members with the name, description and instructions to report sighting.
•Accident Investigations Report
•Multiple documents support archive (spreadsheets, text, images)
•Notes and witnesses
•Personal notes (not shared)•Special administrative lock.
Transport Request
•Name of the person and location
•Reason for the request
•Person's description•Assigned responders
Tasks Management
•Type of repairs (Defined by configuration)
•Material required
•Assignment and tracking
•Alerts (email and text)
Live Dispatch Module
Interactive Live Map
•One screen view
•Ongoing incidents
•Today's incidents (Open & Closed)
•Team members available and contact info
•Equipment available / in-use
•Trails status
•Live text and email alerts of ongoing situations
•Lifts status (if applicable)es here
•Daily statistics
•Live statistics
•Map of incidents and deep search function.