iRisk fills the gap between terrain response and your support team.

Incidents Management Types & Features

  • Medical


    •Incident localization, with / without GPS

    •First Aid Status: ABCDE, Sample, OPQRST

    •Stable/Unstable classification•Incident prioritization

    •Assigned responders

    •Assigned equipment

  • Prevention

    •Type of warning (Dangerous behaviour, out of bounf skiing etc)

    •Customer's Name and pass number tracking

    •Notes and witnesses

    •Assigned responder


  • Person lost (kids)

    •Name of the person, last seen, where by•Person's description

    •Automated push to all team members with the name, description and instructions to report sighting.

  • Investigation

    •Accident Investigations Report

    •Multiple documents support archive (spreadsheets, text, images)

    •Notes and witnesses

    •Personal notes (not shared)•Special administrative lock.

  • Transport Request

    •Name of the person and location

    •Reason for the request

    •Person's description•Assigned responders

  • Tasks Management

    •Type of repairs (Defined by configuration)



    •Material required

    •Assignment and tracking

    •Alerts (email and text)

  • Live Dispatch Module

    Interactive Live Map

    •One screen view

    •Ongoing incidents

    •Today's incidents (Open & Closed)

    •Team members available and contact info

    •Equipment available / in-use

    •Trails status

    •Live text and email alerts of ongoing situations

    •Lifts status (if applicable)es here

  • Statistics

    •Daily statistics

    •Live statistics

    •Map of incidents and deep search function.